Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day 41 of P90X - Rest

I have an awful lot on my plate today so once again I'm flipping the schedule and using my rest for today. Wasn't actually what I had planned and I'm feeling pretty blue that I missed it but I got some things done that desperately needed tending to. Like cleaning out the garage. Whats that have to do with a fitness blog? Well you see, tucked "neatly" in the corner of my garage is a nautilus machine that's been used as a every thing from a clothes rack and garden hose holder to a rocket ship for Charlie. I thought I might start implementing it with p90x, maybe do a few finishing moves that correspond with that days work out.

I'm already starting to worry about my 60 day pics. Mostly because the pics are the single most telling signs that I've been working my butt off! The safe bet would be to pair my 60 day pics with my day 1 pics but I'm afraid I would be misleading myself. I have to match day 60's with day 30's and I just don't think the results are going to be as noticeable. Unless, I really, really bring it these next 19 days. So, that's my motivation, my phase 2 pics HAVE to be as equally impressive (to me) as my phase 1 pics. I like that, really gives me something to shoot for and something I know I can reach. Who's gonna stop me, you? Bring It! 49 more days to go.

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