Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 17 of p90X - Shoulders & Arms

What can I say? Another smashing good work out! I'm really coming into my zone or something or maybe I'm just getting acclimated to this phase. I'm starting to see subtle changes in the mirror, my body looks like its shrank a little and appears to be, I don't know,younger? Kinda strange. I'm also losing my man boobs too, ha ha. It's ironic, I'm trying to lose what some women pay good money for : )

Anyways, I don't want to do Yoga X or X stretch tomorrow, so I'm going to do something that incorporates all of it...Cardio X. This was the first work out I did before I even started doing P90X and it hurt me in a bad way so I'm curious to see how we match up now.

It was raining last night so no run and in all honesty I wasn't going to anyways. Sometimes my brain thinks it can do more than what my body can. I figure my diets solid and I'm pushing my limits everyday. That's more than enough to keep me content. I made a commitment to complete this 90 day program, not to run a 5k. I'm not giving up on running entirely but I'm not going to run myself ragged either. Seeing this through until December 21st is my number one priority. 73 more days to go.

Inspirational quote of the day

"If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it."

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