Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 42 of P90X - Kenpo X & ARX

I always feel amazing when I finish this routine, just a great workout! I'd like to know when I'm going to get some height to my kicks, should be able to easily defend myself against a gang of 5 year olds though. I went ahead and threw in a round of Ab Ripper X for good measures.

It's been a wonderful weekend and the kids had a ball trick or treating, unfortunately there are three overflowing buckets of candy on the bar that I have to pass more times than I'm comfortable with. I'm not really big on sweets but for some reason I'm awfully tempted. What I'm really having problems with is fast food cravings, I wanna Big Mac ...badly and I don't even really like Big Macs, oh and I want some fries, super sized and extra salty. Guess I could be like Jared and do the subway thing but I want something bad for me like Taco Bell, Wendy's, White Castles.... 48 more days to go.

Inspirational quote of the day
"One of these days is none of these days."


  1. Ha! I could easily defend myself against a gang of 5 yr olds too. That was funny. Kenpo is MY FAVORITE! I mean, really. I really really love it. I am so jazzed up after doing it, and drenched in's a beautiful thing! :o)
    You don't REALLY want the junk, you only THINK you do. If you gave in, I'm sure you'd realize that it tastes like crap after you've been eating so well. So, Back away from the Take out! :P

  2. Thanks for having my back. The cravings are gone for now but I'm not so sure I'm gonna think it taste like crap. I can see myself shoveling it down and enjoying every bit of it and then feeling like crap lol, but like you said, it really isn't worth it and it really isn't what I'm about anymore, thanks again.
