Sunday, September 20, 2009

Pre90x day 12

My last Pre90x post, tomorrow is Day 1 of P90X and I am ready to bring it! Just got back from the grocery store. I'm not going to to follow the nutrition guide simply because I don't have the funds, the time or the culinary skills. I do intend on following the principles of the guide, smaller more frequent meals, more protein less fats and sugars. Basically cutting out the junk which includes my beloved Budweiser.

Other than that just gonna take it easy today, watch some football and go to my daughters All Star game later on. Going to get to bed early, use to meditate a lot, I'll give it a try to tonight, see if I can't get my mind right. Expecting some tough days ahead coupled with a lot of pain. I'm ready.


  1. Well let me try this one last time! First of all... GO UNCLE DAVE!!! Yay!! I think it is great that you are keeping a blog! I have kept one for years and it has always inspired and motivated me in many ways! Much Kudos on posting "before" pics also. I took some of myself after having Bray and intended on posting them on Myspace and totally wimped out of posting them! I am hoping my following this blog will also keep Nathan following it too... and maybe you will inspire your baby brother to want to get healthy for himself and the boys as well! I am so pumped for you Dave! How exciting! I totally believe in this program and look forward to seeing your results! Good luck and we are cheering you on all the way!!!

  2. Thanks sis, ya I'm pretty stoked, feel like I'm getting ready for the big game or going in to battle or something. Probably be crying like a little girl Tuesday. Gots to do something though, cause I aint going into middle age quietly.

    p.s. I removed your testing comment...dork
