Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 8 of P90X- Chest & Back

I don't know what it is about this workout cause even though I didn't get sick this time, I still felt like I was going to. Yes I did Bring It this morning but geez I feel like dog crap for doing so.

Running low on healthy food, happy to admit that I finished off nearly everything that I bought last week. So me and Char bones will head to the store after Aliya catches the bus. Weigh in tonight, will update later. Ab Ripper X when I get home. 82 more days to go.

***UPDATE*** I was 217lbs a week ago and I'm now 212lbs so I lost 5lbs, not bad. In fact when I look at the numbers I was 217 three days before I started and I feasted in those last three days so I very easily could have weighed 218 or 219 making it a 6-7lb loss. Plus, this Saturday I ate and drank well and had a nice dinner on Sunday. Not going to beat myself up for it either. Its a 13 week program, at this rate I'm gonna lose 65lbs which puts me down to a svelte if not dainty 150lb ladies man. Actually I've never really set a weight loss goal. I'm thinking I'd like to be a solid 195lbs. So there it is, that's the goal, 17 more lbs to go.

Diet seems to be working fine and I hate to even call it a diet because it seems like I'm eating all the time. No modifications for this week.

The Buckeyes place buckeye leafs on their helmets as sign of achievement and I'm gonna do the same thing...kinda. A one pound loss equals one pound of ground beef, this week I earned (or lossed) 5 packages, WooHoo!

Inspirational quote of the day

"Never regret growing old; not everyone has that privilege."


  1. First of all... love the inspirational quote of the day!!! So true!!! Secondly... You go uncle Dave!!! 2 mile run and breezing through it... KUDOS!!!!! Me and Nathan were just catchin up on your blogs. Read Yesterday's and today's. Maybe the sickness will just take some time to subside!!! Also.... Please do not be discouraged if you don't see the numbers you are hopin for when you weigh in.... remember all the muscle that is replacing fat!!! So you may not see a significant weight loss! Wonder if there is a way for you to keep track of your body fat index ( I think that is what it is called?) more so than actual weight??? That may really be a motivator!!!! Good luck you are doing soooooo great!! We are sooo proud of you!!! Whoop woo!!! And to think... you are still going strong even after your Steelers got Beat by the BENGALS!!! Who dey!! LOL sorry!!!!!

  2. No worries about the numbers. Anyways, what their not going to show is how great I've been feeling these last couple of days. In the past everytime I worked out, it was to improve the appearance of my build. Now, I'm really trying to focus on what you can't see in the mirror.

    And one more remark about my stillers and its Banville,Oh for u missy.
